Jan Grulich

WebRTC (Chromium): Year end report

Although Wayland screen sharing is still not yet enabled by default in Chromium, which is what I hoped to achieve this year, I think I can say we are almost there and you can expect it sooner than later. Let’s summarize what we have accomplished this year to make this change happen:

Stream restoration support

You probably remember that you had to go through two portal (xdg-desktop-portal) dialogs all the time you wanted to share your screen. We had first portal dialog to have your selected screen visible in Chromium preview dialog and yet another portal dialog to make your screen shared with the web page itself. This was quite annoying as users had to make the same selection twice. Thanks to a new addition into portal API I was able to implement stream restoration support in WebRTC to bypass the second portal dialog and have your selection instantly shared with the web page itself once you confirm it in the Chromium dialog. This was released in Chromium 105.

Tests for PipeWire (streaming) code

This is not a feature that is visible to users, but it makes an important part of the whole process. It was a long effort to make this happen as it’s something that is not trivial to test and needs some dependencies for the tests itself to run. As a first step we had to bring PipeWire and some of its dependencies into the infrastructure. As easy as it sounds, in order to add a new dependency there you have to add it in form of a CIPD (Chrome Infrastructure Package Deployment) package. This means you write recipes with information how to build and get your package. This all on a CentOS 7 based distribution where you have to work with older libraries or missing libraries and tools (e.g. Meson). This makes your packages later available in third_party directory that is available to both Chromium and WebRTC. Next step was to write the tests itself. The only way how I could test our PipeWire code, code that is all about receiving frames over PipeWire stream, was to write another “testing” stream that will be sending us frames with parameters where we will know what to expect and can verify we received what we were supposed to receive. For the tests itself I used GTest framework which is very well documented and quite comprehensive. Sadly, we were still just in the middle of the process and one would hope that it cannot get more complicated, but the opposite is true. There is a whole runtime setup we need for our tests to run. We need PipeWire and PipeWire session manager to run, otherwise we would never activate and connect our streams. To create the setup I had to write a Python wrapper script that sets all environment variables for PipeWire to find everything in the third_party directory (plugins, libspa, etc.) and run both PipeWire and PipeWire session manager in order to run our test. As a last step, because we had a script that runs the test, we had to create a mapping in the infrastructure making the script itself a launcher of our test + limit this only to x86_64 architecture as that’s the only one where we have PipeWire available as CIPD package.

Here are upstream changes that implement all above mentioned:

UX improvements in Chromium preview dialog

All these improvements were made by Alexander Cooper, Alex is Google engineer working on screen sharing stack in Chromium and WebRTC. I have been intensively working with Alex for the past year and he is my go to person when it comes to code reviews or anything related to screen sharing in Chromium. Alex made a great set of UX improvements in their preview dialog. My original implementation always automatically invoked portal dialog when screen sharing was initiated. This led into one dialog overlaping the other. In most recent Chromium version (I think starting with 107) users will be presented with Chromium preview dialog first asking to share a web tab and only once they pick to share a screen they will get presented with the portal dialog. You can also now re-request the portal dialog in case you pick a wrong screen to share.

Web Engines Hackfest in A Coruña

I travelled to A Coruña in May to attend the Web Engines hackfest and meet Alex Cooper from Google there. This was a perfect opportunity for us to meet in person and I’m really grateful for that. Even though that for me it was a bit stepping outside of my comfort zone as I went somewhere where I didn’t know anyone (besides Alex), but as I later found out, all the people there were super friendly and I’m happy that I met some new faces. We had very productive conversations with Alex and having enough time to talk in person was beneficial for both sides as we could explain to each other technical details of our backgrounds and talk about future plans and current issues.

Firefox and WebRTC rebase

Firefox upstream has been behind with our WebRTC changes for more than ~2 years. This has changed recently with Firefox 106, where they finally rebased their WebRTC version to M103 (Chromium 103). I also provided them list of additional backports they should pick up in order to have fixes for some crashes and issues we have fixed since then. Sadly, as I later found out, even though they did the rebase and all the backports, the new codebase (for screen sharing) is not in use and instead they still keep the old code and use it instead. This is because they don’t have all the dependencies in place and it’s been blocked on this issue since then, hopefully it will get figured out soon and also Firefox users can benefit from all the improvements we did over the past two years. This is not an issue for Fedora users where I created a patch for our Firefox package that enables the new code and use it instead.

Plans for the future

  • Extend PipeWire code test coverage. Currently we test only the essential part of the code, but I would like to further extend the tests with tests for all kinds of metadata we can use (damage regions, crops, mouse cursor etc.)
  • Use portal dialog as the default one. This has some requirements that need to be fulfilled before Chromium can rely on it. We need to show screen/window previous, as currently it can easily happen you pick a wrong screen (especially when you have two identical monitors) and we need a way how to invoke Chromium dialog so users can share a web tab.
  • Fix bugs. I’m currently not aware of any issue and we already fixed a bunch of them this year as people use it more often, but I expect more issues to appear as Wayland becomes more and more dominant and we finally make it enabled by default.
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